2005, Jezz as a chicken and JJ as a pumpkin. Jezz gives JJ a 'chicken kiss'

2006, by now they are 'pros' at the dress-up department and 1 outfit is for sure not enough! Here in traditional Thai Akha style, but it wasn't princess'ish enough so we also had to buy these brides outfits. Since the Xmas tree shop has really cheap outfits, I didn't mind that much...and they look so adorable!

2007, JJ as a witch, Jezz as wonder woman, but same deal as the last years. They used some older outfits this time to go to different parties, one as a bride (JJ) and groom (Jezz)and the other one as 2 witches. They even made this whole witch brew that I had to drink!

And this year, they are both vampires. This picture is taken at school today, they didn't wear their wigs with really long hair. And for once we only have 1 costume, since here in SA we don't have the abundance of choices we used to have in the USA. But they are fine with it, and happy to be a vampire....aarghh!
Jezz on the left, JJ on the right, first time (besides the Thai costumes) that they wanted the same)
Enjoy your Halloween, trick 'r treating, BBQ's or Braais or other Halloween gatherings you are invited to tonight! Don't make it too scary ;-)