We did a road trip to Mont Tremblant, Quebec. It was our first trip with the girls to Canada, and since we are moving soon, we thought we just do a quick vacation to Montreal, since it is such a beautiful area. Mont Tremblant is about 2 hours north of Montreal and it took us about 7 hours to drive. Beautiful drive up there, we saw so many trees! It was so green and lush, really georgous!

We stayed 4 nights at Intrawest a club resort with tennis, pools, spa & jacuzzi, movie theater and all the other amenities you wish for. We had a 2 bedroom appartment with a hot tub with bubbles, which the girls of course adore. They spent every evening about an hour in that! We also rented the private movie theater at the resort and saw A bridge to Terabithia. It was fun to have the whole mini theater for ourselves!

We did a day trip to Montreal, had dinner there and strolled around the city. The girls discovered the carriage with horses across the street from the Notre Dame, so we had to do a trip with the horse with the pink hair, that was their favorite. So much fun!

Mont Tremblant itself was a beautiful ski resort and now in spring so lush and green really nice! We had some great food and strolled down into the city center, saw some guys smoking a hookah pipe and had some fun sitting in a huge adirondack chair on the market square.

On the way back home we stopped for a day in Burlington, Vermont. Which is a quaint student town. We had some wine and cheese on the terasses while the girls were cracking a dinosaur egg they bought at the aquariam that day. It took them a few hours to find the small dinosaur inside, which was an excellent way to spend $5... it kept them busy for hours! ;-)

What else did we do on this trip, we went to the Ben & Jerry's Ice cream factory, we saw the Aqaurium in Burlington and the Witch museum in Salem, after that we met some friends for lunch in Salem and on the way back home we went to Ikea and spent a fortune on new bedroom furniture for the girls for their new rooms in South Africa.

All in all, a very productive and fun week! Now back to school for the last 3 weeks before summer break, and our huge move across the world to another continent! We still have loads to do....
Enjoy your week, y'all!