his birthday and the tradition goes then that he gives all the children a gift. So the girls were so excited to go to school on a Saturday :-)
They first had culture day in the morning for the Dutch school, so these children are only Dutch or Belgian. They made a drawing for Sinterklaas and practiced the songs again.
We were waiting and waiting, the kids in great anticipation of his arrival... how would he arrive this year?? Last year he came with horse and carriage, the year before in a fire truck and this year... in a car, since Americo his horse got his ankle strained... so the story goes :)
Here Jasmine and Juliet anxious waiting for Sinterklaas to arrive, with the drawing in their hands that they made for him.
The little ones even made a hat like black Pete, so cute :-)
Finally... there they come! A big roar of applause and singing Sinterklaas songs so he can hear from far away.
The kids are all excited when he steps out of the car!
First a welcome word and a small speech of Sinterklaas to all of the kids before the gift giving starts.
It goes by age, so the little ones get their gifts first, most of them so afraid that the mother had to come with them. Since the girls are 7 they have to wait a long time before they get their gift...
But then finally it is the turn of the 7 year olds and Black Pete is grabbing in his sack and there it is Jezz's turn...
She has to come and sit on Sinterklaas' lap and he hands her over her gift... what is in there??
Then it is JJ's turn, both get a 'scary book'. They had made a wish list and this was one of their wishes. So the girls are happy! Both the girls got a book by Enid Blyton with great adventure stories. A fabulous English writer!
So the week of putting their shoe in front of the chimney on a daily basis, getting small gifts and specific sweets for this occasion has finished. Sinterklaas is going back to Spain till next year. He chose a warmer location for his permanent residence than Santa Claus ;-) You can read about last years event here. See how the girls have grown in just 1 year!
And we can start concentrating on Xmas! Decorating the house a bit, not too much since we are in Holland for the Xmas break. My dad is turning 70 on Xmas day and we have decided to go to Holland and celebrate with both families! A first in 11 years!
Have a great Sunday!
What a nice holiday and vacation! Hope you are having a blast!!
A Heartwarming and Adventurous Tale of Friendship and Fortune
Beyond the Golden Sunset and by the Crystal Sea by William Dunigan is the adventurous tale of a serendipitous meeting between two boys and how their lives are forever changed
2009-02-17, 230 views, By Eloquent Books
Gosh, they have grown in a year. That is amazing!!! They look so happy and lovely. Enjoy Xmas in Holland!
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