Saturday, February 25, 2012

getting ready... #56

I am flying today to the USA...

But only in the evening...

So today...

I am packing my suitcase...

Giving Dirk, the girls and the helper instructions...

Making some pre-cooked meals, so the girls and Dirk don't need to deprive and eat frozen Woolies meals....

Preparing some lunches and clothing sets, so the girls look decent at school....

Making a list of "not to forget"....

Make sure there is enough of everything in the house... like toilet paper, shampoo, fruit, milk, bread, cheese, to make it short: make sure the pantry is filled to the brim, so nobody needs to go hungry or thirsty or cranky!

Mentally preparing my girls for the fact that they need to grow up a bit this week and take a bit more responsibility of themselves since mommy is not here!....

What a mother has to do when she leaves the house for a few days, is so much more complicated than when a guy leaves....

Dirk just leaves, he only needs to pack his own suitcase, doesn't need to worry about anything else...

My mind is overflowing... is everything organized for them while I am gone???

The whole time thinking... about my list in my mind, since I don't write lists really....

It's a bit blurry up in my head...

But I have confidence in my hubby and my girls, that everything will just go fine!!

What do you do when you have to leave the house for a few days, are you letting it all go or worry??

Have a wonderful Saturday! Next time I will be in a different time zone!!
Mireille xx


Anonymous said...

I have great difficulty relaxing and saying goodbye to my two dogs when we go away, so can well imagine it must be a nightmare going away without the kids

Maci Miller said...

Oh, you are such a great mom and wife! They will be fine so don't worry. You don't strike me as someone that worries a lot anyway. I worry too much when I leave the house, but it is always fine when I come back!

How long will you be in US? Would love to meet up with you, if possible!

Wendy said...

LOL!!!! I love this. You are just like me. I don't let ANYTHING "just go." I am anal retentive and a control freak. I just did the same thing you did to your home to my classroom preparing for this week I'll be out on jury duty.

I so relate to the men traveling and leaving the house thing. It's up and shower and go. Moms can NEVER do that! EVER!

I would be terrified what Lily would eat and wear if I left her alone with Bob. I can't even think about it or I get the shivers!

Where are you going? Near here?


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