So I guess it's about time I share some personal details. Give some random/weird facts about moi.
1. I hate sci-fi, horror and scary movies! You know the ones that gives you the creeps with these sudden hard noises and stupid effects...yikes nothing for me! Blood gushing out of everywhere. I pass.
2. I became an entrepreneur at the age of 12. I didn't think the pocket money I got from my parents was enough, so I started making jewelry and sold it at school. It was a big hit and soon I could buy my favorite jeans and other fashion items I craved for but didn't get from my parents ;-)
3. I used to color my hair in all kinds of funky shades. From purle-ish to cherry red and one time it even turned green-ish. I also had a checkers pattern on the back, with colored white and black squares. This was more the phase I liked to rebel against my parents....it worked!
4. I've moved already 27 times, lived in 6 different countries and on 4 continents. Only Antarctica, South America and Oceania are left. I am working on these places as well. However, I am sure I will skip Antarctica. But S.Amercia and Oceania are on our list.
5. When I was a young child I told my grandmother that I would move to the USA and would adopt children with a 'brown' skin. Sorry, at that time my vocabulary wasn't as sophisticated and we weren't political correct yet. Well, I didn't remember this conversation with my grand mom, but later when we were chatting she told me that all the things I had told her as a child became true. My US citizenship is pending and I have 2 lovely children adopted from Thailand. Who knew!

6. Of all the odd jobs I had, and believe me I had my fair share! this is a interesting one. I used to be a vegan chef in a Dutch monastery and cooked ayurvedic for 60 shaman's in training. They would do this course and slept in the monastery while I prepared their breakfast, lunch and dinner. I didn't have any schooling in this particular way of cooking, but my boss just showed me the ingredients and told me to make a fancy dinner, breakfast and lunch. I was shocked at first that he wouldn't give me any instructions. But I had Dirk as a guinea pig, we weren't even married at that time and he still stayed with me. So my cooking skills weren't as bad ;-)
7. I've visited 207 cities in 27 countries so far. Haven't even added Madikwe to the map, and I am still traveling and counting.... See below where I have been at the travel map.
So know you know a bit more about me. It is time that I pass this on to 7 other bloggers. Well, I made a choice of blogs that I like because they kinda have a similarity with my life. Click on them to meet these wonderful people!
Moon-beans, my dear friend Val in Connecticut which daughters are my daugthers best friends. We miss them a lot after moving to SA. So I hope by this tag, she is going to blog a bit more. So I can keep updated with their lives. Hi Val, I love u!
Emm in London, a neat South African lady who moved to London. So a fellow expat, and we give each other comments on our blogs. Well, she actually more but I am trying..... ;-)
Mevrouw Cupcake, since I love cooking as well. This is a site from an American lady who moved to Amsterdam and she loves cooking. Her site has not only great recipes but the most beautiful pictures of food. And photography is another hobby from me! This site tickles my taste buds ;-)
She wears shweshwe, since I just discovered this beautiful South African fabric, I can't not add this site. Ann loves shweshwe fabric as well, and her site is full of great ideas. Info about the fabric and you will meet some wonderful African ladies who all are wearing shweshwe fabric.
Do they have salsa in China? A really great adoption blog about a family in California who just as we adopted twins. However, these twins are not from Thailand but China. Both girls cute as a button and you will see some great pictures of the girls and family.
Skinny la Minx is a blog from Heather Moore who lives in Cape Town. She blogs about things that cathes her eye. Since she is a native and knows more about the local trends that you can find here in SA, I check out her blog often to get inspiration and see what shops there are out here. She also has a shop on Etsy where she sells the most beautiful hand painted table cloths, tea towels, napkins. Check it out, you won't be disappointed! I like to support the local artisans ;-)
And last but not least: Brit in Bangkok, a fine lady living already 5 years in Thailand and loving it! Since I LOVE Thailand as well. I keep reading her blog to see what's going on in the Land of Smiles ;-)
These are my 7 choices, I hope they all reciprocate and forward the tagging game!
USUKU OLUBALELE, have a sunny day all!
Hi, Mirielle! Thanks so much for the nice compliments and for mentioning the new blog! You are so awesome. Fun to find out a few new things about you. Add dislike of horror movies to the list of things we have in common. I can't watch them either! Great blog selections. Can't wait to check out the ones I haven't seen yet!
Thanks for tagging me. I have a big test tomorrow (I go to college on Fridays) but I will try reply on the weekend.
Wow - your girls are adopted. I must speak to you about that one day as I very much want to adopt and I have always wanted to adopt from Thailand or surrounding region.
Have a good day!
Hi girls,
I am so happy I've met you both via this blogging world, you've enriched my life. And I just hope we will continue to be a part of this funky doodle world that gives me the giggles and wiggles ;-)
Emm, adopting is the best thing that could happen to you, just GO for it. Talk to Jen and she will tell you the same!
Love to you, Mireille
I finally did it Mireille - I posted my 7.
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