Now, I don't have any excuses anymore! The girls are full-time in school and I have a full-time maid. So I signed up at a gym yesterday, it is a franchise and called Curves, a women only gym. Supposingly the fastest growing franchise at the moment, with gyms all over the world. Since I need a low threshold to go to a gym, I have a hard time motivating myself, I opted for this program. It is short and effective, burning 500 calories in just half an hour! Wow, that sounds good.

But I am not done here, it is nice and all but I feel I need to opt for another thing, something that I wanted to do already for a long time, and that is Yoga. There is a Bikram Yoga here in the neighborhood that I like to try out. with Bikram yoga you work on a series of 26 poses performed in a room heated from around 90-100 degrees Farenheit/40C and get ready to sweat. This will leave you, astonishingly, renewed with energy and well... sweaty. So that is my next excercise routine I am planning to check out next week. I will keep you posted on my results!

Hopefully I will be in shape in no time again...I have a lot to work on ;-)
I also read mixed reviews about the Bikram yoga, so I am curious how I will feel about.....being in a room with lots of sweaty people, since it is so hot in there. But it makes your body also more flexible and less prone to injuries. I am very curious. You will hear from me ;-)
Enjoy your weekend!
Ciao, Mireille
Oh, I LOVE Bikam yoga! So absolutely grueling at first. So totally exhilarating afterwards. I did it in NYC a few times and so wish there was a center closer to our house outside of Philadelphia. Hope to do it again when we move to FL and there is one close. Good luck and have fun !
I meant Bikram!
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