And this post was on my computer for a whole week, so I am going to post it now and since it is almost weekend and I love food.. I am already thinking about my dinner when I just finish my breakfast... are you like that too?
So check out these amazing food blogs, these people are not only good in cooking and baking, but also in photographing their delicious meals... I am in aw every time when I see these mouthwatering pictures. I mean I have a nice kitchen, but the lighting is not that great in there... so how do these people always get such an amazing end product? I just don't get it, I tried to take some pictures of my meals, but it always doesn't do justice to the dish I made... so I rather give you the site where I take my recipes from and let all the credit go to them, because I can't top that anyway!!
Most the time I have something in my mind that I am craving, say for instant a kind of cookie (snicker doodle). Then I go to Food Gawker and search for snicker doodle. All kinds of snicker doodles come up, and I research them all, and chose the best recipe in my eyes. That is how I came up with most of my favorite sites. A good way to start: Food Gawker or the same sort of site: Taste spotting.
Dutch Girl cooking at Kayotic Kitchen, of course I had to start with a Dutch one.. I mean I can't forget my roots! Amazing mix of recipes, and the best Hummus! She has 3 versions!! Try them all ;-) Her Indonesian Chicken salad is also to die for!

Kiss my Spatula! You have to check this out: Delicious & Gorgeous!!
A Vietnamese girl who lives on the West Coast and stirs things up in the kitchen. Yummy recipes and such a beautiful pictures!

Tea & Cookies. Mostly recipes with food bought at the farmers market. Fresh, natural, honest cooking. But not only recipes and food, also cute stories. A delish frittata & healthy zucchini noodles w/pesto dish is now this week on her site. Check it out!

What's for lunch honey? One of my latest discoveries. Meeta is from India but lives in Germany and she makes the most amazing fusion Indian with modern cooking. Love her site, so bright and amazing pictures. You will love her as well!!

Seven Spoons. Tara writes and cooks on this site. She lives in Ontario, Canada. Her blog is interesting with beautiful pictures. I like her style of photographing, very cool site. Give it a try! She gives you a collection of thoughts, family life and food. By the way she has a good looking banana cream pie on her repertoire. Not the usual 'over the top banana flavored' puddings inside. No this one is genuine!

If I am feeling I need to go back to basics and need some Natural food, I always opt for Heidi Swansons food blog named 101 Cookbooks. She amazes me every time! She lives in San Francisco, so has a lot of access to organic fruit and veggies. And this is what I crave, good honest food! Although a bit harder to find here in South Africa I still go often to her site to get inspiration! I already wrote about her and gave some of her recipes before....

Since we have Thai children and we used to live in Thailand, these dishes are just one of my favorites. So whenever I yearn for the sweet, sour, spicy and salty condiments I go to 2 Thai sites. And one of them is Chez Pim. Pim grew up in Bangkok, but lives now in the San Francisco bay area. She has a career in food and creates the most authentic Thai recipes with gorgeous pictures. Alloy Maak Maak!!

The other Thai site is more traditional Thai food from Appon's kitchen. Find the recipes you see in your local Thai restaurant and recreate it at home. Go for it, you won't be disappointed. This site is very authentic as well!

But I don't only crave Thai food, I am into all kinds of Asian dishes. This is just my preferred way of cooking... all things Asia. I grew up with Indonesian food, because my dad had an Oriental store which specialised in the early years in only Indonesian food. Now they do all kinds of food. In Holland we have a lot of Indonesian people, and so the food became a staple as part of the Dutch. For all kinds of Asian food Rasa Malaysia is THE best site I find! As the name reveals, she is original from Penang, Malaysia. She has a huge collection of Chinese, Malaysian, Thai, Japanese, Indian, Vietnamese, Indonesian and Filipino recipes. And they are GOOD!! Very active site, with lots of guest food bloggers so you get to know more of the food bloggers through her site. I just LOVE Rasa Malaysia, and you will too, promise!!

I go through phases in my cooking life and so there are days when I really am not into MEAT, so then I check out 101 Cookbooks or Vegan Yum Yum, an award winning blog with the most delicious veggies. Such a fresh looking site, you WANT to eat more veggies and totally forget the sausages you thought you were craving...NOT!!

The creator of Food Gawker and Craft gawker (I will tell you another time about my love for arts & crafts) has also his own food blog named Sunday Nite dinner. It's about Food, Friends and a hungry bear. (I wrote about this site as well, a while back). It's a gathering of friends who cook together and share the recipes via this blog. Yummy, a fusion of East & West. I love FUSION!

And last but not least!
We all know that the Japanese have an art for beauty, for refinement, for all things delicate. They just know the art of living! If you look at Keiko's site Nordljus you know what I mean. She is a Japanese girl who lives in the UK. The blog has not so much recipes, but I didn't want to wit hold this site from you. She has some good recipes but the blog is just filled with beauty! The vibe of the blog is just magnificent, beautiful and gorgeous. Check it out, you will get hooked to her site as well! And try in the meantime some of her recipes; your taste buds will enjoy too!

OK, so now I gave all my 'secrets' away I would LOVE to hear from you!
What is your favorite top 3 or even top 5 of food blogs? PLEASE SHARE THEM WITH ME!!
Have a Wonderful Weekend!!
Love, M